December 10, 1948 - article 1, - has stated clearly:
“ All human beings are born free …... and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. "
By this;
We all have the right to grow up and live, - in a free and peaceful world.
. . .
The world we live in, - we create.
Here and now, - every single moment, - today, - every single day.
And every single one of us, we take part in this.By our thoughts, words and acting.
We all create the world around us.This matters also the violence in the world.
Violence is affecting all.
And because of this, we all have the responsibility to do something about it.
By love and respect.
By taking responsibility, - express our meaning, - help and serve one another.
And work together.
. . .
The world today is so interdependent,
that there will be no peace and freedom in our personal life, without peace and freedom for all.
World violence has become our mutual individual challenge.
No state, organization, or single individual in the world, manage this job for us alone.
No one in the whole world, manage this job for us alone.
Only as single individuals, as fellow citizens united, we manage.
As single individuals we are not without influence.
As fellow citizens together we are strong, and create great differences.
. . .
In the spirit of brotherhood, - in care and compassion for each another.
For every single one of us;
who right now experiencing violence in life:It is necessary, - that we take responisbility, - and stop all violence.
Because as long as there exists; - only one single one of us, - no matter whom, - no matter where, - who does not experience peace and freedom in life, - we have a job to do.
Because every time the violence is taking place, - it is a tragedy.
Because every time, - it is the very seed in life that is crushed and lamed.
- To love and be loved.
We all need a free and peaceful world.
It is our human right.
By taking responsibility, - and unite, - this is possible.Together we do create a world in peace ...