We are living in a
global society, - with the use of force and violence.
We work to fight the violence, - the fear and the threat it represents.
The enemy, - is no longer defined only as
countries and leaders, - but as groups, cells, organizations, networks, forces, - and
And even with the most intensified intelligence
and supervision in history, the enemy lives among us and has no marks.
The picture of enmity is today fully developet. -
By considering anyone as a potential threat.
When we kick a ball against a wall, it
action creates a reaction.
Action by
the individual creates a reaction by the society.
Action by the society creates a reaction by the individual.
World-wide violence, - is by this a reaction of the use of force and violence world-wide.
Violence is violence, - no matter from whom or which side.
By continued use of force
and violence, we nourish and increase the power of violence, which seeks new ways and
individuals to announce, and strike back.
Like there is
light and darkness, there is good and evil.
These are
forces living inside us all.
It is difficult
to catch the ray of light, by the grasp of the hand.
Likewise the darkness
and the evil.
We therefore never
succeed liberating ourselves from the violence by the continued use of force.
We succeed, -
by seeking the free spirit within nourishing the good.
And by love, -
understanding, respect, forgiveness, gratitude, care and enlightenment,
good power inside of us all will empower and react. - And the society will bloom and flourish of
free, loving and secure citizens.
Our most important
intelligence is therefore, not searching for enemies out in the world.
to seek and find the free good spirit inside.
Our strongest
tool, as individuals and as society, is therefore:
To put the free
good spirit into action !